Plans for every team
20 documents per month
Unlimited Boards
Unlimited Templates
Unlimited Users
Drag & Drop document editor
Draw, Type and Upload signature
Manually send document
Automatically send document
Shareable link
Email support
Storage 30 days
200 documents per month
Unlimited Boards
Unlimited Templates
Unlimited Users
Drag & Drop document editor
Draw, Type and Upload signature
Manually send document
Automatically send document
Shareable link
Email and chat support
Storage 30 days
500 documents per month
Everything in Basic, plus:
Reminder notification
Send multiple documents
Email Branding
Fillable Form Fields
Insert Subitems for Invoice
Email, chat and videocall support
Storage 60 days
1000 documents per month
Everything in Standard, plus:
Email, chat and videocall support
Storage 90 days
Can’t decide which plan is right for you?
Frequently asked questions
Yes. After your 14-day trial, if no action is taken, your account will automatically switch to the Free version, allowing you to send up to 20 documents per month with limited access to premium features.
Sign up for LalaSign and enjoy a free 14-day trial of our Pro plan with full access to all premium features—no contract or credit card required. Before the trial ends, you can decide to continue with the Pro plan or switch to the Free version. If no action is taken, your account will automatically switch to the Free version, allowing you to send up to 20 documents per month with limited access to features.
You can cancel your plan anytime by navigating to administration > Apps > and selecting LalaSign.
Yes, we offer email, chat, and video call support, depending on your subscription plan.
Yes! Get in touch, and we’ll help you out.
Make contracts simple, and get more done!
Give lalasign a try—it’s free forever! Upgrade only when you’re ready!